Getting Started with NetMiner (5) Data Visualization & Analysis
Your Friendly Guide to Graph Analysis NetMiner is a cutting-edge Graph Data Science software. Designed for everyone new to graph analysis, NetMiner provides a user-friendly approach to understanding and working with graph data. With NetMiner, you can model and analyze graph data, apply machine learning, statistical methods, text analysis, and advanced visualization techniques. Key Features of NetMiner 1. Import data of multiple types 2. Graph data modeling 3. Data transformation and extraction 4. Graph visualization 5. Graph analysis 6. Statistics and machine learning 7. Online data collection 8. Text network analysis 9. Python-based automation Generally in network data analysis, visualization gives the intuition about the global pattern of data and a starting point to dig up. Discover the world of graph data science with NetMiner! [NetMiner Homepage] ▶ [NetMiner] ▶ [NetMiner Free Trial] ▶ [NetMiner Standard] ▶ [NetMiner Educational] ▶