Repetitive Analysis
- This script performs 'Degree' analysis on five different imported network data sets.
Before running the script, the file '01.Org_Net_Tiny1.nmf' must be open.
Usage: Performing the same analysis
When multiple network data sets are analyzed, a list of network data can be returned and can be iterated through using a loop to perform the same analysis on different types of network data.
The script below performs ‘Degree’ analysis on five different imported network data sets.
(1) The variable ‘networkNameList’ is a list of all imported network names in the currently focused workfile.
It is in the form of [‘work interact’, ‘personal friend’, ‘personal help’, ‘personal knows’, ‘work help’].
(2) A for loop is executed on a list data to perform the same analysis.
The variable ‘networkName’ is assigned ‘work interact’, ‘personal friend’, ‘personal help’, ‘personal knows’, and ‘work help’ each time through the loop.
(3) This sets the network input option.
Using the variable ‘networkName’, the degree analysis is done on the five sets of network data.
The results of running the above script are as follows. Degree analysis sessions are created for the five networks.
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