Save a map to high resolution image
- Plug-in Name : SaveMapImg
Author : CYRAM
Version : 1.0.0
Date : 2013.01.31
NetMiner 4 provides a function to capture a network map easily.
However, because this function is based on the capturing method, to get an
enlarged image, the larger screen is required.
SaveMapImage plug-in enables you to capture a network map with reduced or enlarged(max. 1000%) scale.
It works only for the 2D map and you can use this plug-in instead of the capture function (Map → Capture Map) built in NetMiner 4.
1. Download the attached plug-in(SaveMapImg.nmx) file.
2. Launch NetMiner 4, and then go to Tools → Plug-in Manager
3. Press “Add Plug-in” button, and select SaveMapImg.nmx file
5. Close the Plug-in Manager dialog, and go to Tools → Plug-in → “SaveMapImg”
== How to Use ==
1. First, a network map should be generated on the screen. You can generate a network map by "Analyze" or "Visualize" menu.
2. To capture the map, go to Tools → Plug-in → “SaveMapImg”
3. Browse a directory to save a captured image file.
4. Enter the file name and resizing ratio. (Resizing ratio (%) can be set from 1 to 1000. Supported file format is .JPG, .BMP, and .PNG.
5. Then, click OK button
- Attach
- SaveMapImg.nmx